速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Never Ending Shanghai

Never Ending Shanghai





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



Never Ending Shanghai(圖1)-速報App

Discover music and pictures from the experimental audiovisual performance Never Ending Shanghai. Travel in time in the dreamy universe, moving from past to present on a meditative journey. The experience is based on a system of randomness and links Signe Bisgaard’s music to Laura Rathschau’s design in a new virtual universe that keeps evolving.

Never Ending Shanghai is a new way of releasing music integrated with pictures.

The music consists of 3 layers and the app randomly plays 2 of them at a time. Each track is 50 sec.-1 minute long and at the end it randomly chooses the next layer with 3 tracks. The tracks are linked to the different environments, and follows the visual atmosphere. Because of this interactive system, the experience in the app will never be the same - music will change with the pictures and you will never get the same experience 2 times. In this app you can experience the creation of new music, “live" made from different music tracks - and it is all linked to a visual universe that reacts to the music.

The user is invited to relax and go into this audiovisual universe without doing much. He/she can explore the streets and look around, but the main idea is to experience it as an ever evolving art-installation at home.

Never Ending Shanghai(圖2)-速報App

Created by Danish artist-duo Laura Rathschau and Signe Bisgaard

Co-developed by Ingeborg Munk Toft, Poul Munk, Jarl Falke Hyttel, Josefine Cecilie Moa Nielsen, Thomas Højgård Hansen, Esben Kjær Ravn & Kong Orange

Music played by Blood Sweat Drum+Bass

Programmed by Kanda

Thanks to Ruben Lisboa, Peter Kjær, Jakob Hougaard Andersen, Jacob Junker, Kristian Andreasen & Mikkel Maltesen